Once on the Training Licenses page, clicking the Automation button will reveal icons for various operations. The shopping cart icon is used to purchase training licenses. Clicking this icon will open a modal where you can select the group you are purchasing training licenses for, and how many licenses you are purchasing. You can either click pay now which will redirect you to a Stripe checkout form, or send an invoice.
Users can release training licenses by selecting the desired licenses to release , clicking the Automation button, on the grid and clicking the trash can icon. You are able to release multiple licenses at one time by selecting multiple rows on the grid before clicking the trash can icon.
How to Turn Training Mode On/Off
Users can turn training mode on/off by navigating to the Account Settings page under the Administration tab in the sidebar. Then click the toggle to turn training mode on or off.
How do I Reset My Training Data
Users can reset their training data by navigating to the Account Settings page under the Administration tab in the sidebar and clicking the Reset Training Data button.
Clicking the button will pop up a modal where you can select the group to reset the training data for. The data in each training group associated with the selected group will be reset back to its original state.