How do I uninstall multiple agents at once?

How do I uninstall multiple agents at once?

Uninstalling multiple agents at once is simple.

Travel to the Agents page.

We recommend using filters, such as machine name, group, IP address, or version filters to bring the most agents to the screen as possible. This is most useful for users with hundreds or thousands of agents in a group.

Here, we used the shift key, while clicking on 3 rows, to select three agents.

The Uninstall All Selected Agents is on the top left above the grid.

After permissions are checked on the server, that you have permission in the agents' groups, uninstall commands will be issued.

The agents receive a digitally-signed uninstall command. The signature is used by the agents to validate the command really came from Cyber Crucible, and not a criminal trying to remove your protective software.

Once the agents validate, they will prepare the system for uninstallation upon reboot.

The Attention column will have the entry “Uninstall in Progress” and show a Cancel Uninstall button in the cell.

Once the machine is rebooted, the agent validates the uninstall is being conducted, and removes all files.

Of important note - the agent will confirm “one last hello” before completely uninstalling, so sometimes agents will be present for a short period of time after reboot. This is due to some network environments not working properly for up to 30 seconds after the desktop is visible. Note that once uninstalls are finished, licenses are automatically removed from agents.

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