Middleware 04.23
Partner Portal Updates:
Implemented endpoints for the new Register Deal process with Cyber Crucible approval of deals
Updated the PartnerDeal model to have a type associated with deals, each having a percentage discount associated with them
Also updated the PartnerDeal model for both Referral type deals to store the Dashboard User Account to associate with the licenses for the deal
Updated the PartnerDeal model to be able to separate Monthly vs Annual billing for payment of deals
Includes updating existing endpoints to account for Monthly vs Annual billing for Stripe
Implemented endpoints to be able to send quotes through Stripe for a deal
Implemented endpoint to resend the Stripe invoice for a deal
Implemented endpoint to edit multiple fields for a deal at the same time, associated with the edit deal modal in the Web Application
Agent/License Management:
Implemented endpoint to bulk assign licenses to agents
Implemented endpoint to change the automatic re-licensing setting for a given agent
Implemented endpoint to release a license from an agent by passing the agentId in the request
Implemented endpoints to retrieve and save the user setting to show the installer script config icon on the Groups grid
Implemented endpoint to retrieve the Agent Installer Script Client Auth value for a group
Updated our AV Scanner Service to search in the identity incident collection in addition to the process creation collection
Various updates to our list of default data + identity whitelists for AVs.
Implemented new change stream endpoint to listen for new Extortion Response insertions
Implemented endpoint to copy whitelists to another group
Implemented endpoint to download the Memory Diff File for an incident
Implemented categorizing identity incident programs into applications
Implemented saving column modes for each web page grid and saving chart visibility settings