Sales Email Notifications

Sales Email Notifications


Sales Notifications are alerts emailed out to users relating to sales activities, and they are available to Partners only. Most sales notifications are one time alerts sent out, but there is a repeating deal expired alert as a possible notification type (see notification types below). As with our security notifications, users may opt to send the sales notification alert to a single email address, or send the alert to all group members.

How to Create a Sales Notification

Users can create sales notifications by first logging into our website and going to the Sales Notifications page found under the Partner Portal tab on the left sidebar. You must have access to the Partner Portal to be able to access this page.

Then click on the Create New Sales Notification icon above the grid, which will open a modal with information to fill out about the new notification.

On this modal you may choose to:

  • Select the partner group the notification is for

  • Send notification emails to all group members, or limit to a single email address

  • Enter a friendly name for the notification (optional), otherwise the notification will be given a randomly assigned name

  • Select Notification Types that this notification will send alerts for

    • The one time alert notification types are indicated with having “(one time alert)” after the type

    • Otherwise the notification type is for a repeating alert

  • Select the time interval for how often any repeating alert will be sent out

How to Delete a Sales Notification

Users can delete a sales notification by first selecting the desired notification to delete on the grid, and then clicking the trash icon above the grid.

Note that partner groups must have at least one sales notification, so a message will be displayed if you try to delete a group’s last sales notification. See the next section for how to turn off sales notifications without deleting them

How to Turn a Sales Notification Off Without Deleting

If you wish to turn a sales notification off without deleting it, you need to find the desired notification on the grid and then turn the toggles off for each of the columns shown below:

The sales notification will be turned off when the toggles for each of the shown columns look like: