Distributor Group Management

Distributor Group Management

The Distributor Group Management page can be found in the sidebar under the Partner Portal. This page is only available to partners who are members of a Distributor Partner Group. On this page, partners can view/manage all of their current distributor subgroups, create subgroups, and promote existing groups as subgroups. Once distributors setup their subgroups, the subgroups are then able to register their deals on the Deal Registration page.

How to Create a Distributor Subgroup

Partners can create a new subgroup of a distributor partner group by clicking the create subgroup icon above the grid, which will open a modal to fill out the new subgroup information. You also are able to select if the subgroup will be able to register deals of their own or not and set the relevant percentages for the type of deals they can register. Note that the user who creates the subgroup will not be added to the subgroup by default, members of the subgroup must add you to the subgroup if this is the desired outcome.

How to Promote an Existing Group to a Distributor Subgroup

Partners can promote an existing group to a distributor subgroup by clicking the promote icon above the grid. Clicking this icon will open a modal very similar to the create new distributor subgroup modal where you can select the existing group to promote to a subgroup.

Note that you must be a member of the existing group to see it in the list of options, and existing groups already assigned to a parent distributor group will not be shown in the options.

How to Disassociate a Subgroup from its Parent Distributor

In order to disassociate a subgroup from its parent distributor group, find the subgroup on the grid and click the x icon next to the subgroup name.

How to Upload the Reseller Subgroup agreement

Once the distributor has setup their subgroup and has specified that the subgroup should be able to register their own deals, the distributor will need to upload the signed subgroup reseller agreement. The subgroup will not be able to register a deal without this agreement uploaded.

On the Distributor Group Management Page, click the upload icon in the Subgroup Reseller Agreement column for the desired row/subgroup.

Clicking this icon will open the modal below where the user can upload the agreement.

After uploading the agreement, distributors can view the document in the Subgroup Reseller Agreement column by clicking the download icon.

How Reseller Subgroups can Register their Own Deals

After the distributor has setup their subgroups as reseller subgroups and uploaded the signed subgroup reseller agreement (see the “How to Upload the Subgroup Reseller agreement” section above), the reseller subgroup can now register deals on the Deal Registration page found under the Partners section in the sidebar.

The reseller subgroup can register the deal for their end user like normal as explained here. After the reseller subgroup registers the deal, the deal need to be approved by the reseller’s distributor and Cyber Crucible before the deal can move forward. When the distributor goes to the Deal Registration page, they will be able to see all of their reseller subgroup deals on the grid even if they are not a member of the subgroup.

Subgroup’s view of a pending Deal:

Distributor’s view of a pending Deal:

How a Distributor can Approve/Reject/Renew a Reseller Subgroup’s Deal

A distributor can approve/reject/renew a deal from their reseller subgroup by going to the Deal Registration page and clicking the icon in the Distributor Approval column for the desired deal and clicking the desired outcome:

After the distributor changes the status of the deal, a green check mark or red x will appear in the Distributor Approval column.

Distributor view of an approved deal:

Subgroup’s view of a rejected deal by the distributor:

How a Reseller Subgroup Deal is completed

After a reseller subgroup’s deal is approved by both their distributor and Cyber Crucible, the deal now is able to be completed on the Deal Registration page. The reseller subgroup should click the Pay for Deal icon in the Deal Flow column for the desired deal when the deal is ready to be completed.

After the reseller subgroup clicks the Sign & Finalize Quote option, Cyber Crucible will receive an alert that the deal is ready to be completed.

Cyber Crucible will get the final quote signed by the distributor according to the distributor’s pricing with Cyber Crucible. In other words, Cyber Crucible will bill the distributor, and the distributor will bill the reseller subgroup for the deal outside of Cyber Crucible’s dashboard according to the pricing agreed upon between the distributor and reseller subgroup.

After the distributor signs the final quote, the licenses for the deal will be created and placed into the reseller subgroup’s group, the reseller subgroup should distribute the licenses to their end user accordingly.

How a Distributor can View their Pricing for a Reseller Subgroup’s Deal

A distributor can view a quote with their distributor pricing for a reseller subgroup’s deal by going to the Deal Registration page and clicking the quote icon in the Distributor Approval column. The internal pricing will show the pricing according to the pricing agreed upon between the distributor and Cyber Crucible, the retail pricing will show no discount in the quote. Also note that clicking the Send Quote to All Group Members option inside the Distributor Approval column will send the quote to all the members of the Distributor Group, not the Reseller Subgroup.

Note that if a distributor wants to see the quote with the reseller subgroup’s discount, they can click the send quote icon like normal in the Deal Flow column. Note that the distributor user does not need to be a member of the subgroup to view the reseller subgroup pricing quote. Clicking the Send Quote to All Group Members in the Deal Flow column will send the quote to all the members of the reseller subgroup, not the distributor group.

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