Distributor Group Management

Distributor Group Management

The Distributor Group Management page can be found in the sidebar under the Partner Portal. This page is only available to partners who are members of a Distributor Partner Group. On this page, partners can view/manage all of their current distributor subgroups, create subgroups, and promote existing groups as subgroups.

How to Create a Distributor Subgroup

Partners can create a new subgroup of a distributor partner group by clicking the create subgroup icon above the grid, which will open a modal to fill out the new subgroup information. You also are able to select if the subgroup will be able to register deals of their own or not and set the relevant percentages for the type of deals they can register. Note that the user who creates the subgroup will not be added to the subgroup by default, members of the subgroup must add you to the subgroup if this is the desired outcome.

How to Promote an Existing Group to a Distributor Subgroup

Partners can promote an existing group to a distributor subgroup by clicking the promote icon above the grid. Clicking this icon will open a modal very similar to the create new distributor subgroup modal where you can select the existing group to promote to a subgroup.

Note that you must be a member of the existing group to see it in the list of options, and existing groups already assigned to a parent distributor group will not be shown in the options.

How to Disassociate a Subgroup from its Parent Distributor

In order to disassociate a subgroup from its parent distributor group, find the subgroup on the grid and click the x icon next to the subgroup name.