
  • Further migration from the “Ransomware Rewind” product name to “Cyber Crucible”.

    • Legacy service name "Ransomware Rewind" will migrate to "CyberCrucibleAgent". Process name stays the same.

    • Registry key in HKLM\SOFTWARE will migrate from legacy RansomwareRewind to current CyberCrucibleAgent.


  • Fixed some 32bit processes triggering as having “modified memory” when the process image is at the maximum allowable size of a 32 bit process.

MD5 Hashes

service.exe = 51ff73ab3caac8d269d1fad823de9f60 CCRRSecMon.sys (Windows7) = 6014b3fa07cec7e39753f7eaea4d1ea7 CCRRSecMon.sys (Windows8) = 26756d6394a70482952519c104730676 CCRRSecMon.sys (Windows10) = 8665c9f7b99b385acaecc11d42fda468